• 政策和做法

    The 全国荣誉学会 (NHS) recognizes students who have demonstrated excellence in the areas of Scholarship, Leadership, Service, 和性格. The cumulative GPA for invitation to complete a membership survey is 3.5. The cumulative GPA for admission will be considered after the first semester of Sophomore year for Junior membership and after the first semester of Junior year for Senior membership. 累积绩点的展期通常在2月中旬, and a list of qualifying sophomores and juniors is generated for invitation.
    Students who choose to apply must complete the membership survey by the given deadline. 调查概述了需求和预期的文档. The NHS Faculty Council will score the membership surveys and determine the cut off score for membership.
    • Applicants shall be notified of their member status at least two weeks prior to the planned date of the Induction Ceremony.
    • 每年举行一次入职仪式.
    • The Induction Ceremony shall include the initiation of both first and second year NHS members.
    • All members are expected to attend a session of all mass meetings.
    • Officers and committee members are expected to attend additional meetings, designated by the group.
    • 缺席不是有理由就是没有理由. The criteria for determining if an absence is excused or unexcused is the same criteria used by the Ann Arbor Public School System.
    • Unexcused absences of any member may result in consideration for dismissal from NHS.
    • 国民保健服务学院委员会决定从国民保健服务解雇程序.
    4) Dues
    • The amount of money each member shall pay will be determined before the first meeting of the school year by the officers and Faculty Sponsor.
    • Dues shall not exceed twenty (20) dollars (currently at $5 for juniors and $15 for seniors).
    • First and second-year NHS members may be required to pay different amounts of dues.
    • If any member believes he or she qualifies for a need-based scholarship, he or she may contact the Faculty Sponsor and be considered for financial aid.

    All NHS members are required to have at least seven (7) group hours per semester as part of their twenty (20) total hours. Any volunteering activity may be proposed to the officers or the Faculty Sponsor to be considered for qualification for Group Hours. 团体时数可计算为个人时数, 但个别时数不能计算为团体时数. Activities will be evaluated for inclusion based on the following criteria:
    • 他们得到了休伦国民保健署成员的支持.
    • 他们服务于社区的需要.
    • 他们在我们的资源范围内.
    • They are safe and appropriate for public high school student participation.
    • 三年级和四年级的职位是校长, 副总统, Treasurer, 和每个班的秘书.
    • 初级官员投票和提名初级官员. 老年人投票和提名高级官员.
    • 每个职位的候选人都应提名, and seconded, by current NHS members at (a) membership meeting(s) in the month prior to the elections.There shall be no limit to the number of nominated candidates running for each officer position. (在决选中以多数票或法定多数票获胜?)
    • Each candidate may make a speech to the NHS body on the day of voting (currently in the spring).
    • Names of NHS candidates will be recorded on official ballot forms. 每个国民保健制度成员对每个职位都有一票.
    • Each vote shall be turned in to a sealed ballot box and kept in a secure location until counting (or comparable secure procedure).
    • 缺席投票必须在选举后24小时内提交. The absent member must have an excused absence from the meeting at which voting took place. (见考勤). Votes shall be counted by a committee of three (3) student and two (2) staff members.
    • 官员的任期大约为一年.

    Failure to fulfill the requirements of NHS membership may result in dismissal from NHS. The Faculty Council determines policies and procedures for dismissal.


    Faculty input on NHS is provided by a Faculty Council appointed by the principal. The minimum requirement for the Council is a five-member council with the NHS Faculty Sponsor as a non-voting member.

    • Bylaws are created by the local membership and/or Faculty Council in accordance with the national NHS constitution. Any member may propose to amend the bylaws of the 休伦高中 chapter of NHS as long as it is in accordance with the constitution of the national organization. Policies on nomination, selection and dismissal are reserved for the Faculty Council.
    • The proposition shall be presented to the NHS officers and Faculty Sponsor before the meeting at which it will be proposed.
    • The proposition shall be presented to the appropriate body (general membership or Faculty Council) and a vote shall be carried out following the standard Election Rules.
    • If a super-majority (2/3) of the NHS body favors the proposition, it shall be put into action. If 2/3 of the NHS body does not favor the proposition, it shall not be put into action.
    • A proposition shall not be proposed or voted on more than twice in one school year.
    • The principal and faculty council may amend the bylaws where they deem it appropriate.